The Compassionate Justice Fund
Applications are currently closed.
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Who Are We?
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About The Compassionate Justice fund
The Compassionate Justice Fund was developed to bridge a critical gap in funding and available rehabilitation services for people who have suffered a traumatic brain injury through means of violence, abuse, intimate partner violence, and those who have experienced unstable housing or homelessness.
This advocacy video ‘Addressing the needs of young people with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) in the Criminal Justice System’ was created to raise awareness and understanding regarding the high prevalence of TBI in youth justice and the impact this can have on the justice trajectory.
Specifically, the cognitive-communication and social communication challenges associated with TBI can compromise the young person’s ability to fully participate in proceedings and advocate for themselves. Access to proper care and rehabilitation support can help to address these challenges.
The video employs the use of storytelling, interview and didactic learning to engage viewers as well as to educate and empower those who work in the justice system with capacity building through increased knowledge, strategies, and empathy. The video was created with the financial support of the Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation.
Thank You to our Donors

Thank you to our Inaugural sponsor
Thank you to Oatley Vigmond Personal Injury Law Firm! Oatley Vigmond has an unparalleled understanding of what is needed for the rehabilitation, care and welfare of clients and their families.

Thank you to our sponsor
Thank you Dr. Cam Marshall! Complete Concussion Management helps patients and athletes get back to the things they love.

Thank you to our sponsor
We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of RBC Global Asset Management through a Canada East Community Engagement grant.
Thank you to our Funders
Meet Isaac
As a teenager, Isaac (not his real name) was an A student and a high level hockey player. Isaac was smaller than most players, but he was fast and was an effective goal scorer. This made him a threat to the other teams who would actively target Isaac, repeatedly checking him into the boards. Because Isaac was shorter than the other players, instead of his shoulder hitting the boards, it was his head; over and over again. Routinely he reported seeing stars, feeling dizzy, and he couldn’t remember what happened, but he just kept on playing.

Ontario Brain Injury Association (OBIA)
Toll free 1-800 263-5404 or
Brain Injury Canada
Contact Us
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