Compassionate Justice Fund


Ontario Brain Injury Association (OBIA)

Toll free 1-800 263-5404

Abused and Brain Injured Toolkit

(Intimate partner violence)

Aboriginal Legal Services

ABI Justice Toolkit

(Brain Injury Society of Toronto)

Brain Injury Canada

Acquired Brain Injury Network

(ABI Network) Toronto

Justice for Children and Youth

(Legal services for young people under 18 and homeless youth under 25 in Ontario)

Provincial ABI Systems Navigators

Substance Abuse/Use Brain Injury Client Workbook

WomenatthecentrE (for women survivors of intimate partner violence)

Human Services Justice Coordinating Committee (HSJCC)

Love Your Brain Yoga

Free online yoga for brain injury survivors, community, online retreats, and online caregiver retreats

The Centre for Wise Practices in Indigenous Health, Women’s College Hospital

Thunder Women Healing Lodge Society



(UK Brain Injury Association)

Centres for Disease Control

Centres for Disease Control TBI in Prisons and Jails

These individuals could easily be our children, neighbours, teammates, colleagues, and friends.

Through circumstances beyond their control, these are good people who have and continue to experience great hardship, and their brain injuries play a significant role in these difficulties.